It's an interesting show. Entrepreneurs pitch companies ideas to investors (the sharks) who might or might not invest. Sometimes one shark will bite, but sometimes two, three, or more sharks will join up to offer a deal. Sometimes sharks will bid against each other.
It's fun to see what ideas they thing are worth investing in, and which aren't. Not that I want to start a business. But I like to see new products.
Most of the products on Shark Tank aren't things that I'd buy, but every once in a while, there's one that piques my curiosity. Which is all good when it's something sold at a major chain.
So anyway, I was watching the show and something called Brazi Bites was being pitched. They're little round Brazilian bread-like puff. Then I heard that they were gluten-free. Hmmm. I don't have gluten issues, but I'm often suspicious that gluten-free items will be ... sort of ... imitations of foods they aren't. While gluten-free cooking and baking has come a long way, those of us who can eat gluten would probably not choose the gluten-free product as their favorite.
I promptly forgot about the product after the show. Totally dismissed it from my mind. Until the Brazi Bites folks emailed me and asked if I wanted samples. Well, heck yeah!
The packages arrived, still frozen.
Okay, these don't come fully cooked. They're not a bakery item. Instead, you need to pop them into the oven. They start out the shape of DOTS gumdrop candies, but they bake into roundish puffs. Flat on the bottom, but otherwise round. And they had this sort of cracked, turtle-shell like appearance on top.
And they're crazy good. They all have some kind of cheesy flavor, so if you're a fan of cheese ... you need to try these. I was popping them into my mouth like candy. Well, really big candy that I had to bite into. I had some with a salad. I thought about making little sandwiches. I thought about stuffing them. And then I found out they sell them at one of my local stores. So I'll be able to buy them whenever I want.
Oh, yum!
Who's it for: Gluten free or not, these are really tasty.
Pros: Since they're frozen, they're great for those emergency situations when you need a little bit of something bready. And ... you can bake as many as you want. No need to bake the whole box.
Cons: Since they're frozen, you have to bake them.
Wishes: I'd change the packaging. Recloseable bag instead of bag in a box.
Source: I received this from the manufacturer for the purpose of a review.
When I saw these this afternoon at the grocery store, I had to try them. They are great! md they came in a recloseable bag.